I think all systems get to a point where you have to touch them. And I know how hard it is in the context of complex systems with a ton of users. But even then, small wonders tend/need to happen and you can rewrite a part of the system - I have seen examples for this, and not in a startup environment. And with time, from one part to the next, you can improve the overall quality.

Until end of life is coming and a new monster is replacing the old one. ;)

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"Be honest with your judgment: is it worth keeping and patching the old solution? Or a starting with a clean slate would be cheaper?"

Hahaha! If it ever was a decision by development (OK, perhaps not counting startups)

Especially when there is a few million USD market with a solid customer base... No way any top manager will say "Go ahead and re-design this 10+ years old monster!"

But even if magic happens and there is green light to re-design/re-write the chances that it will end in the drawer and never goes into production is very likely.

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